April~Springtime was coming to an end and it was time to put away the long sleeves and long pants. Time for a new season of warmth, shorts, flip-flops, and short sleeve shirts. Time to go shopping for clothes and an Easter dress. I think that is when the first seeds of wonderment were planted in my head. Looking at Sweets try on these shorter clothes I was perplexed as to why she was so skinny. I mean she was really skinny anyway, but she was still so extremely thin. I promised myself to make her eat more food during her meals. She was also becoming very obstinate, argumentative, and in general a very hard person to be around. Also promised myself to crack down on this behavior.
May~ Sweets was showing no indication that anything was wrong with her. She was completely active and went to school everyday. She was full of life and still full of contention. Life went on like it always had.
It's Here~It wasn't until the last couple of weeks in May that she started showing signs of Diabetes. Who was I to know what they were though? When she started to mention she wanted to drink all the time and loved water and got pretty OCD about her liquids, I thought it was just another one of her quirks coming on. She has rotated through obsessions since she was in kindergarten and I just thought her obsession with water was one of them. She complained about peeing all the time. I told her to stop drinking so much then. Her skin was also very dry. A week before her Diagnosis, I noticed that she had even lost more weight and that her face had sunken. She had dark circles under her eyes and wasn't eating much. There was a virus going on in the family. She had gotten it as well and I thought she was just sick with it. I started to notice that her room smelled like (what I know now as diabetes) she was sick.
June~Her behavior was through the roof and 2 days before she was hospitalized, it was a Saturday, I told myself I was making an appointment for her to see the pediatrician on Monday. By now, It was obvious she looked really sick, but she had no fever , was fighting with her sisters, was up and around and acting normal. I was perplexed. Sunday night came and she was starting to act sick and I was so glad that I could take her to the Dr. in the morning. She had thrush all over in her mouth. Ugh........what was going on? Monday morning, she looked like a person from a concentration camp laying on my bed to die. She was hyperventalating and her ribs and belly hurt from breathing so fast. What the hell was going on? How did she get so sick in just a matter of hours? She was begging me for medical care. "Good medical care" she said. She knew in her 10 year old heart that something was very wrong and it was threatning. There was no way we were making it to the pediatrician at 10:00 a.m. Emergency room, here we come. I carried her (as she was too sick to walk) and ran all the way in............D-Day.