Sweets sugar levels are steady. They are still too high for where I want them though. I am sure the Phycisian will move around some doses soon. She is getting weary of cheese sticks, and ham, and boiled, eggs, and pickles. This girls is craving some major sweets. She is also packing on the pounds and eating the largest meals I have ever seen her eat her whole life. It is all very refreshing!!
I took the girls to the library and to the main street fountain. They all made wishes and threw very shiny pennies in. I made a very big wish.......
This child is so amazing. She has takent this diagnosis better than anyone I can imagine. She has not complained or cried or been depressed. I think she is anxious and afraid and gets tierd of her snacks, but she is happy. She plays. She doesn't let it stop her at all.
We played tennis tonight as a family. I am not sure we were all into it though. I was still feeling a bit depressed because of certain things and Husband is stressed about things. The kids were not really happy because we weren't happy. I am tierd of having to act happy and pull things together and to be strong. Today was a good day because I made it through alone, but it wasn't a happy day. I have been going through the stages of grief. I know this sadness will pass. I can see things getting better every day.
Tonight I slept, I woke up screaming with a nightmare......hello 2 a.m B.S. check.....again.
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