Today was Sweets first Dr. Appointment with her Diabetes Physician, Janet. Although we had seen her plenty in the hospital and talked to her numerous times over the phone, this was our first time to her office. We were so excited for Sweets when she stepped on the scale and it read 54 Lbs.! We cheered because she had gained 7 lbs. in a week. I could tell she was getting heavier when she sat on my lap the other day. We did all the normal stuff with the nurse and then talked to Janet quite a bit. I had numerous questions, mostly about exercise and low blood sugar and night time checking. Husband had questions about the HbA1c values and the complications of having too high of values for too long. Sweets HbA1c values was 14 when we went into the hospital. They didn't even have that level on the chart that was on the wall. All Sweets could focus on is her hunger. I made the app. for way too late in the day and it was actually right into our dinner time. She was hungry, I was hungry, and Dad was hungry. We hurried and got home and had the yummiest taco soup with corn chips anyone ever had.
I have been looking on Pinterest about T1D and have found some really funny things to brighten it up a bit. This one is my favorite.
We have noticed that exercise plays a really big part in Sweets blood sugar levels dropping to a point where she can have a snack between meals. She has been riding her bike, walking, and playing with friends in order to get the movement she needs during the day. Today she washed both vehicles, and her bike. Then we went on a small bike ride afterward. It was a nice afternoon.
Things were a bit better this night as far as moods in the household. I wasn't exactly happy with how it was, but at least it wasn't depressing or tense. I was content to watch t.v. and work on a menu plan until bedtime.
Slept least it was a funny dream instead of a nightmare.
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