We (my husband and I) were in the far shadows, in the background, behind the pancake breakfast, down the bench with snacks during the program, further back watching her gather a sack full of candy from the parade, on the sidelines of the water fight (that went on for hours) with a juice box or two, by ourselves quietly and frustratingly counting carbs for the picnic dinner, sitting on the ground with a watchful eye during rambunctious play during the firework show, measuring homemade ice cream with a 1/2 cup after everyone had their turn, and then I was sneaking through the dark of the night to treat the delayed low that was inevitable.
P.S. As I watched Sweet's gather up candy like the rest of the kids, I was wondering if she was even thinking that there was no way she was going to be able to eat it. I mean a piece here or there with a meal or when she's low. It would take 3 months to go through it. Still she had a good time scrambling for it though. I was worried about how I was going to deal with a big sack of candy in the cupboard temping her. I thought maybe she could trade it in with me for something else. I got a big break though! She had also picked up an Otter Pop that was thrown. It had a hole in it and leaked all over her candy and ruined it. I threw it away immediately and without her knowing. You know what? She didn't even ask about the bag of candy. I think she knew in her mind all along that it wasn't going to be feasible and had already let it go before I threw it away.
Sarah is so blessed to have you and Adam. You are so blessed to have the Lord to lean on in the time of need which I am sure is always with diabetis.