On the other hand, it is a trial our family and Sweets face. A trial that lasts forever. Everyone knows that good things come from trials (if you let them) so good things must be a comin' for the rest of our lives too right?
Anyway, there are a handful of positive things that have happened to us because of her diagnosis (not in any particular order).
1). I have realized I am a lot stronger than I thought. I always thought I was emotionally weak. I always wear my feelings on my shoulder and have had a hard time controlling my emotions. This forced me to learn to exert extreme patience and mental control in situations where it was necessary to put on a brave face and a smile for Sweets.
2). Husband's and I's relationship has been brought to a new level of support, understanding, and love. After 15 years of marriage, I cannot express how thankful I am for him and for the new respect and admiration I have for him.3). I got to feel the love and support from neighbors and friends at the exact time in my life that I thought there was none. I was going through a rough year wondering if our Church members really cared for each other. I was thankful to have my Faith regained in them.
4). We have met some amazing people who are completely dedicated to their work and people. In a world where it seems everyone is for themselves, it is refreshing to see people serve others just because they love to help.
5). It has been brought to our attention that our family needs to spend more time away from our individual pleasures while we are in the same house and use that time to interact with each other.
6). I have a deeper respect for all those who are suffering from health related issues. I realize that people are walking around looking "normal" like I do, but inside their lives it is tumultuous. I need not to judge others.
7). The small simple things please me to no end. For example, an evening drive through the country to smell the fresh cut alfalfa, see the wild birds, feel the cool air, and sing songs on the way with the children has been one of my favorite things to do this summer.
8). My eyes have been better opened to my children. I am more aware of their feelings, thoughts, and actions. I am more concerned about their happiness and their progress in life. I am more dedicated to their health and their future. It's easy as a Mother to get in a lazy groove at home with the children. We seemed happy and functioning enough. I hadn't realized that I was slacking in certain areas.
9). I have felt the great love and concern of my siblings. At a time when were are all busy with our families and not near each other much, it has brought me great comfort to see them rally around and support our family. I have realized, we are a strong extended family. Not one brother or sister has failed to call or text multiple times wondering how we are doing.
10). I have a deeper respect for my oldest daughter Sweets. She has been an interesting personality in our home to work with. It's been hard for me to get along with it. My eyes have been opened to the kind of Spirit she has and it's amazing. She is strong, courageous, full of life, and never lets things get in her way. She has never complained, asked why, or cried. She had not been depressed or upset or too worried. She goes on with her life dancing and playing and being herself. She bounces back for all sorts of sad things and always seems generally happy from day to day.
I know I can go on with my list, but these are the top ten. Our family is extremely blessed each day. We have each other and we are strong. We have family, friends, and neighbors who love us. We have the means necessary to care for our children and to provide the things in this life that they need to succed and be happy. We have awesome doctors who allow us to reach out to them in thier personal lives if necessary. Our insurance coverage with all of Sweets medical needs is awesome. I can't imagine having medical bills hanging over our heads too. We will and can make it with this.................
You make me proud. In a time of such trials, you have the ability to see the positive in it all. You are so much stronger than I am. I am so happy that you married a man that has such a love and support for his family. I am proud to have him as a son in law. God bless your family.