Tuesday, September 9, 2014


D- doesn't just stand for diabetic.  This is the most awesome D-Dad you will ever find.  He is Deserving, Dutiful, Determined, Diligent, as well as Dashing.
I recently read a blog post written by a D-dad which was about his little girl's pink supply purse. He carried around everywhere for her.  It was mentioned that a more masculine bag could have been bought to put her things in since he would be the one to carry it most places, but  he let her pick a pink princess one out because he wanted her to be happy.

We went on a cave tour this past weekend and this Dad had his daughters purse strung over his shoulder the whole time too.  This picture is so symbolic.  We as parents, and especially this Dad, carry her burdens on our shoulders for her. We do not make her carry her diabetes on her own.  We throw her purse of worries and supplies on our backs for her until one day(as she grows and we teach), she will be big enough, strong enough, and emotionaly mautre enough to carry her "purse" on her own.
You know what?  He looks pretty good with a bag!

1 comment:

  1. She is so blessed to have you both, and one day she will realize it!! I know we're really far away but I hope you know we're here for you and we pray for you and we support you and we love you. We love you all so so much!
