Thursday, June 19, 2014


When an initial diagnosis is given for T1D, usually only about 80% if the islets in the pancreas are destroyed which leaves the other 20% willing to create a small amount of insulin.  After a couple of weeks of insulin injections, those islets have had a rest and are ready to fire up.  They start creating insulin for the body and together, with the insulin injections, you see the B.S. levels really start to drop. Maybe a little too much.  It's been hard for me to keep the numbers up enough to be at peace.   It's called the "Honeymoon" phase.  It can last for weeks or months.  Just however long it takes the body to destroy the last remaining islets.  Remember, Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease.
That creates a very hungry and irritable child I've noticed.  So, the Diabetic Physician told us to reduce her Lantus a bit to see if that will help in that area.  We see Sweet's Pediatric Physician tomorrow, so maybe he will adjust her carb to insulin unit ratio as well.

Today we were just on our way in to the store when it was time to do a test.  I figured to bring a snack because she usually wants and can have one.  The lady in the next car was trying not to stare at what was going on.  When the test said 54 (that's as low as I have ever seen it), I was just stared at it, and thought, "ok, now what".  I couldn't believe she wasn't having any symptoms or complaining.  My mind went right to the book I have been reading where it said no solid food if it's under 70, just liquid.  Well, I didn't have any liquid (note to pack a juice box for next time).  So we all put our seat belts on and drove to the nearest gas station.  1 orange juice, a diet Dr. Pepper, and $4.00 later, we were good to go.  One word for you  "Lifesaver".

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you handled that well. I am proud of you. God has blessed you with a strength that he only gives to those with unusual challenges in their lives. Watch and be amazed at yourself as the Lord unveils yourself to you. Dad
